Welcome to Nicolai's Page
On May 18, I and more than 450 of my teammates — for the fifth time! — will swim 200 laps (5,000 yards) to support our swim program at Rose Bowl Aquatics Center. Swimming continues to be a huge part of my life — I train at the pool six days a week, and I count many teammates among my closest friends. This past year has been another successful one as I competed for the last time in the 10-and-under age group — after a lot of hard work, I placed in the finals in both the Summer and the Spring Junior Olympics. And this coming year promises to be a challenging one, as I move from the top to the bottom of my age group!
It is important for me to support our team’s annual fundraising, which allows RBAC to maintain many team activities and operations. Please support my team and help me reach my fundraising goal!
Thank you,
Nicolai Ross
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