Stella's 2018 Swim-A-Thon page
Hello Friends and Family,
The time has come again for me to reach out to you for support of The Annual Swim-A-Thon for the Rosebowl Aquatics Swim TEAM. I am now in my 5th year on the Rosebowl Aquatics TEAM and love it as much as ever. In March I competed in the SCS Spring Junior Olympics hosted by Rosebowl Aquatics. As a TEAM we had our best showing ever and I had one of my best Championship Meets ever as well! I earned new best times in nearly every event including 5 new Sectional times. Just two short weeks later my teamates and I competed at the ISCA Championship Meet in Mission Viejo and I finished my SCY Season with all new best times and a weeks worth of new memories traveling and swimming with my teamates. I now move on to the 2019 LCM Season with the same excitement and anticipation that I always have at the start of a new season.
The funds raised as a result of our Swim-A-Thon help to assist with the cost of our National and Age Group TEAM trips and training programs throughout the swimming season. In addition to these trips we use the funds to maintain our Dryland and Therapy programs as well as equiptment for the TEAM.
As I've said in years past, this TEAM is a huge part of my life and my family's life and I truly hope you will support me in my efforts to support my TEAM this year.
Thank you in advance,
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