Emiko's Swim-A-Thon Fundraising Page
Hi Family & Friends,
My swim club is having their annual fundraiser to help raise money for the Rose Bowl Aquatics Center. For this fundraiser each swimmer is trying to swim 200 laps in 2 hours. All swimmers are also expected to try to raise money from their communities so I was hoping that you might be able to help. Please consider helping me achieve my fundraising goal for the club. We will be trying to raise money for about 3 more weeks, and the deadline is Saturday, May 18, the day of the Swim-A-Thon.
Thank you in advance for your consideration,
![TeamRaiser Achievement Badge](../images/friendraiser_uploads/1055_lg_1000.868884241.orig.png)
I Made a Difference
Supported this event with a gift
Personal Progress:
of Goal
Fundraising Honor Roll
Wayne Hirabayashi
The Yap Family
Brian Hirabayashi
Barbara Hirabayashi
Uncle Kyle
Mr. Ken Hirabayashi
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